Fine Arts
Advanced Drawing
Advanced Drawing is a studio course in which students will increase technical skills and develop a more sophisticated approach to their understanding and processes. Students will be enhancing their hand-eye coordination skills by drawing still life, gesture drawing, and blind contour drawing. Students will be challenged to apply and expand upon their knowledge of the Principles and Elements of design using a variety of drawing media and techniques.
Guitar is a high school music elective. It is a beginner’s course in acoustic guitar playing. All students will play solo and ensemble music, exploring both melodic and chordal techniques. Students will acquire basic music-reading skills, as well as some knowledge of the history of folk and popular music. Students are expected to perform at least twice a year in our school-wide Winter and Spring Concerts. Participation at other school performances may also be required.
Applied Voice is a high school music elective. All students will sing solo repertoire, as well as choral repertoire with the whole class. Different vocal styles may be explored, but first and foremost, students will learn to sing in tune with a healthy and natural vocal technique. Music will be sung in various languages, possibly including English, Latin, French, Japanese, and Spanish. Students will acquire basic music-reading skills, as well as some knowledge of the history of vocal music. Students are expected to perform at least twice a year in our school-wide Winter and Spring Concerts. Participation at other school performances may also be required.
Music History
Music History is a survey of the history of Western musical tradition. The emphasis will be placed on the development of classical music, but we will also explore some blues, jazz, folk, and world music on the side. Students will study basic music theory, performance practice, genres, and styles, as well as the social, political, and religious contexts in which Western music developed. Where did music come from? What did ancient music sound like? How did the development of notation, instruments, and technology influence the course of musical evolution? Who was Bach, and who was Mozart? What do they have to do with the way the music on the radio sounds today? Students will explore the answers to these and many more questions, through listening, discussions, composition projects, dancing, and a little bit of singing and music making.
This course is an introductory art survey course.. We will study Drawing, Sculpture, Mixed media, Painting, and Printmaking. Students will learn, understand and use the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in the above-mentioned media. We will build on prior knowledge, capitalizing on student interests and honing the skills we have already begun to develop as Middle School students.
Music I-II-III
This course is a general music course. Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the historical and cultural context of the arts, as well as an appreciation for creating, performing, and responding to music. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of music notation, basic music theory, singing, drumming, and piano. The knowledge gained will potentially enhance students’ learning in other disciplines, such as math, science, history, and language. Students are expected to perform in group recitals.